Steps in planning
This follows a Q & A sequence I got from Tony Key, a former UK squad coach. It's a way of turning dreams into action plans.
 What's your dream? So, write it down. Come on - only you need to know this, and putting a shape to it won't make it go away.
Dreams - aims, desires - are motivators. Nobody gets out of bed at 5am on a wet weekday to go shooting for the love of shooting - but they might if their personal Olympic gold is out there waiting.
  When do you want it? Pretty straightforward....
  What are the main steps in getting there? Typically 'get to a number of events and shoot well enough'.
Two types of goal, there - process goals ('arrive at the events') and outcome goals ('win', 'score 1100+' or whatever).
You mostly control process goals; you mostly don't completely control outcome goals.
  Break down the 'main steps Divide the main steps into short, manageable chunks. Make a 'SMART goal' for each of them.
Some of them will be simple; 'enter for event'. Some will be tricky - 'improve average practice score to 1120 FITA'. There's more on 'breaking up' the tricky ones  here.
  Start! OK, you have the outline of a plan. What will you do TODAY?
SMART Goals are:
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  Ermm... yes. Set specific goals. Anything else is a waste of time. The other four words tell you what 'specific' means.
  How will you tell whether a goal is achieved? If you can't, it's not Measurable (probably not specific, either..).
  Setting impossible goals is not helpful. a) you fail a lot and get rapidly demotivated and b) you can't measure progress.
  Reasons for writing things down:
- So you don't forget
- So you and your coach know where you're going
- Helps to signal some determination.

Useful goals have times attached. Times tell you when you have to fit in the steps on the way, and also warn you when you need to adjust your plans.