Bow tuning gets the arrow flying straight, clean and fast.
This material shows how.
Tuning test guide.
Basic bow setup and clearance checks, plus
11 different tuning tests. |
Practical bow tuning
Three practical session outlines to
work through the main tuning tests.
Basic set-up and
rough tuning
Fine tuning:
Tuning for groups:
More Tuning resources
tuning worksheet 4kb
recording sheet 7kb |
Stabilisers make for smaller groups and smoother shooting.
The stuff below says why.
Controlling bow behaviour with stabilisation:
After all, that's what it's for!
This document was the basis of one chapter
in the GNAS coaching manual. This is actually a slightly
updated version
Choosing stabilisers for effect:
Originally a set of lecture slides for the
2000 SCAS coaching conference, but there are some useful
summary pics
Equipment Links |
for tens - Rick Stonebreaker's well-known resource.